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Speech Prosody 2022


Lisbona, Portogallo

Call Deadline: 10-Nov-2021


The 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody 2022) will be held from May 23 to 26, 2022 at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. Speech Prosody, the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), is the only recurring international conference covering all aspects of prosody in spoken language. 

In Speech Prosody 2022, the conference theme is “Getting the prosody right: Acquisition, Impairment, Interventions, and Beyond”. 


Keynote speakers: 

Judith Gervain (CNRS & Université Paris Descartes) 

Usha Goswami (University of Cambridge) 

Martine Grice (University of Cologne) 

Juan Manuel Toro (ICREA – Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


Call for Papers: 


Submissions on any aspect of prosody in language are welcome. Contributions 

relating to the conference theme are encouraged, as well as student 



Topics include, but are not limited to: 

- Phonology and phonetics of prosody 

- Prosody and its interfaces with morphology, syntax, and semantics 

- Prosody and pragmatics 

- Rhythm and timing 

- Tone and intonation 

- Interaction between segmental and suprasegmental features 

- Production and perception of prosody 

- Acquisition of first, second and third language prosody 

- Prosody in neurodevelopmental disorders 

- Prosody and speech and language impairments 

- Assessment of prosody and measures to evaluate prosodic skills 

- Prosody in infant-directed speech, child-directed speech, and elderspeak 

- Psycholinguistic, cognitive, neural correlates of prosody 

- Cognitive processing and modeling of prosody 

- Prosody in language contact 

- Prosody of under-resourced languages and dialects 

- Audiovisual and multimodal prosody 

- Prosody of sign language 

- Prosody in language and music 

- Prosody in speaker characterization and recognition 

- Prosody in speech synthesis, recognition and understanding 

- Forensic voice and language investigation 

- Prosody in Computer Language Learning systems 

- Computational modeling and applications of prosody 


Important Dates: 

15 September – Opening of online paper submission 

1 November - Submission of title, author info and 200-word abstract 

10 November – Full paper submission deadline 

15 January, 2022 - Notification of acceptance 

1 February, 2022 – Full camera-ready paper deadline 



Call for Special Sessions: 


We invite proposals for special sessions to be held during the conference. We encourage proposals on interdisciplinary topics, under-researched topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest. 


Proposals (in pdf) should include: 

- Title of the proposed session 

- Names and affiliations of organizers (including brief bio and contact information) 

- Justification of interest, fit, and impact for the scope of Speech Prosody conferences (max. 1 page) 

- Tentative list of papers (titles/affiliations /authors), if available 

- Additional or non-standard resources (e.g. data, equipment, etc) required for organizing the special session 


Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Technical Program committee in conjunction with the Organizing committee. Each special session is expected to consist of three or four accepted papers. Papers intended for special sessions should be submitted through the regular conference submission system, and the same review procedure and criteria will apply. 


Submission Deadline: September 12 



Call for Workshops & Tutorials: 


Workshops and tutorials co-located with the conference will take place on 27-28 May, 2022. The Speech Prosody organizing committee invites proposals for prosody-related workshops and tutorials. Workshops on under-researched topics are encouraged, as well as tutorials on new methodological approaches and techniques. 


Proposals (in pdf) should include: 


- Workshop/Tutorial name and acronym 

- Organizers’ (and tutors’) name, brief bio, and contact information 

- Proposed duration of the Workshop/Tutorial, and possible and desired dates 

- Estimated number of participants 

- For Workshops: Invited speakers (if any) 

- For Tutorials: Profile of the expected audience (e.g., young researchers, experienced researchers, expected background and skills) 

- Technical requirements 

- A short description of the workshop/tutorial to be published on the conference web page 


Submission Deadline: September 12 




For more details, please visit