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XX EURALEX International Congress


Dictionaries and Society


12-16 July 2022 

Mannheim, Germany

Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)


the deadline for the submission of abstracts has been extended to 8th December 2021





Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology

Fourth edition (GWLN-4)


Hybrid pre-conference workshop at the twentieth Euralex Congress in Mannheim

Call for papers dealine: 10.1.2022

see details below 




The XX EURALEX International Congress will be held between 12-16 July 2022 in Mannheim, Germany. The Congress will be organised by the Department of Lexical Studies ("Lexik") at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language and will take place at the Mannheim Baroque Castle, home to the University of Mannheim.


Deadline for the submission of abstracts with a maximum of 800 words, excluding references, tables and figures, will be 1st December 2021.

Abstracts should be anonymous.

Languages: You can submit your proposals in any European language. For the oral presentations at the conference, the same applies. However, please consider that no interpreting service is provided.

Submission link:

More information is available at:


Call for Papers

Papers, posters, presentations of new projects and software demonstrations are invited on the topic "Lexicography and Society" as well as all lexicographically relevant topics including, but not limited to, the following fields:

1. The Dictionary-Making Process

2. Research on Dictionary Use

3. Lexicography and Language Technologies

4. Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics

5. Bi- and Multilingual Lexicography

6. Lexicography for Specialised Languages, Terminology and Terminography

7. Lexicography of Lesser-Used and Under-Researched Languages

8. Phraseology and Collocation

9. Lexicography and Etymology

10. Lexicological Issues of Lexicographical Relevance

11. Reports on Lexicographical and Lexicological Projects


The main topics are not meant to exclude any other lexicographic topic. Papers, posters, new projects and demonstrations that are relevant to the congress, but do not fit into any of the above-mentioned categories 1-11, will be reviewed nonetheless and considered for presentation.


Types of contributions

When submitting your proposal, you can choose between the following types of contribution:

·         Papers (regular 20 min. presentations)

·         Software demonstrations (10 min. demonstrations in a specific time slot on the hybrid conference day)

·         Posters (to be presented in a dedicated poster session)

Each proposal will be reviewed anonymously by a minimum of two members of the Scientific Committee.

The Conference Proceedings will be published online and freely accessible ahead of the conference. They will also be submitted for indexing in Scopus.




Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology

Fourth edition



GWLN-4 – the fourth edition of Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology (GWLN) – will be held as a hybrid pre-conference workshop at the twentieth Euralex Congress in Mannheim, 2022.


The aim of the GWLN series is to bring together cross-world views combining detection and evaluation methods of neologisms with their lexicographic processing and representation for different languages. GWLN takes place annually with support of the Global Alliance for Lexicography (Globalex), in conjunction with the international conferences of the continental associations for lexicography.

We invite papers discussing pertinent issues related to neologisms – including new words, new multiword units, new elements of word formation, and new meanings of any of these – in the context of lexicography and dictionaries. All the submissions will be peer-reviewed by two members of the Review Committee. The workshop proceedings will be published online on the Euralex 2022 and Globalex websites, be freely accessible, and submitted for indexing in Scopus.


Abstracts including 1,000 words should be submitted to

Important Dates:

10.1.2022           deadline for abstract submission

4.2.2022             notification of acceptance or rejection

25.3.2022           deadline for submission of full paper or extended abstract

22.4.2022           notification of acceptance or rejection of full papers and extended abstracts

27.5.2022           submission of camera-ready copy of full papers and extended abstracts

10.7.2022           workshop proceedings available on Globalex website

11.7.2022           GWLN-4

12.7.2022           workshop proceedings available as part of Euralex 2022 proceedings

Review Committee:

  • Andreína Adelstein, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina
  • Vassiliki Afentoulidou, University of Athens, Greece
  • Ieda Maria Alves, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Vincent Balnat, Université de Strasbourg, France
  • Elisenda Bernal, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
  • Pedro Bueno, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
  • Anastasia Christofidou, University of Athens, Greece
  • Magdalena Coll, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Victoria de los Ángeles Boschiroli, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina
  • Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, Ghent University, Belgium and University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Judit Freixa Aymerich, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
  • Yongwei Gao, Fudan University, China
  • Rufus Gouws, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Miloš Jakubíček, Lexical Computing, Czech Republic
  • Jelena Kallas, Estonian Language Institute, Estonia
  • Margit Langemets, Estonian Language Institute, Estonia
  • Lothar Lemnitzer, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Germany
  • Henrik Lorentzen, Society for Danish Language and Culture, Denmark
  • Kilim Nam, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
  • Rogelio Nazar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaís, Chile
  • Ana Salgado, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Michal Škrabal, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Petra Storjohann, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Germany
  • Lars Trap-Jensen, Society for Danish Language and Culture, Denmark
  • Anna Vacalopoulou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / Athena, Greece
  • Kate Wild, Oxford English Dictionary, UK

Previous Workshops and Publications:

  • GWLN-1 was held in conjunction with DSNA 2019 (Bloomington, IN), hybrid, and papers were published as a special issue of Dictionaries. Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America (2020, 41.1)
  • GWLN-2 was planned in conjunction with Euralex 2020 (Alexandropoulos), but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was partially held online (November 2020) and as a special session at Euralex 2020 online (2021), and selected papers were published as a special issue of International Journal of Lexicography (2021, 34.3]
  • GWLN-3 was held online in conjunction with Australex 2021, with a focus on Coronavirus-related neologisms, and papers are planned to appear as a special issue of Lexicographica. Series Mayor (2022).

Organizers and Contact:


Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim
Ilan Kernerman, K Dictionaries – Lexicala, Tel Aviv