Borse di studio

Premio Aitla






Language Documentation 

Summer School 

(LDSS 2022)


University of Tuscia 

Viterbo, Italy

July 11-15 2022




The University of Tuscia, in collaboration with the Free University of Bozen, Ethnorêma Association and the University of Naples "L'Orientale", is pleased to host the eight meeting of the Language Documentation training seminars (previous editions available here).


The Language Documentation Summer School 2022 (LDSS 2022) aims to introduce students to the methods and tools of field research for the documentation of linguistic varieties and dialects.


The LDSS 2022 program will involve discussions of the theory and practice of language documentation, description and revitalisation, along with case studies highlighting the objectives, methods and results achieved during fieldwork research in various locations around the world. The LDSS 2022 program also includes a practical training session during which participants will learn about and work with the main tools and software used for the analysis and storage of linguistic data. They will have the opportunity to engage in the collection of linguistic data with native speakers.



DISTU Department, University of Tuscia - Lecture Hall
Via San Carlo, 32 - 01100 Viterbo, Italy
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