Borse di studio

Premio Aitla



Dal 3 al 6 luglio 2024 si terrà a Torino e Bard il congresso "MiLES: Minority Languages in European Societies. Documenting, safeguarding, planning". 

The conference aims at covering all aspects of contact linguistics, geolinguistics, language perception, language planning and revitalization of minority languages. Scholars working on language variation and change in European minority languages and varieties are invited to submit their proposals on the following topic areas:

Il congresso è interessato a tutti gli ambiti di studio riguardanti le lingue minoritarie (contatto linguistico, geolinguistica, pianificazione linguistica, percezione delle lingue ecc.). La scadenza per l'invio di proposte di relazione è fissata al 15 febbraio 2024. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito del congresso:

Dal 27 al 29 settembre 2023 si terrà presso l'Università per Stranieri di Siena un workshop dal titolo "Promuovere l’alfabetizzazione e l’innovazione nel campo della verifica e valutazione linguistica per l’italiano L2: un workshop di tre giorni sulla valutazione basata su scenari". L'iniziativa è finanziata dal Premio ILTA/Duolingo Collaboration and Outreach.

Il termine ultimo per iscriversi al workshop è il 3 settembre 2023. Le iscrizioni si chiuderanno in ogni caso al raggiungimento di 40 partecipanti. 

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sulla pagina dedicata dell'Università per Stranieri di Siena.

Second Call for Papers and Workshops

Phonetics and Phonology in Europe

2019 Mon 17-Tue 18-Wed 19 June 2019 (Lecce)


Conference web site:

The Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference series, originally established in the Iberian Peninsula (as PaPI, Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia), brings together researchers interested in all areas of phonetics and phonology, with a specific emphasis on the perspectives and methodologies adopted in Laboratory Phonology.
As in the previous editions, PaPE 2019 is intended to be an interdisciplinary forum for research on the sound properties of language approached from multiple perspectives, with the general aim to promote discussion on the relation between phonetics and phonology, as well as the cross-fertilization of phonetics and phonology with other fields, such as psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, neurosciences and speech technology.
In this vein, PaPE 2019 continues the tradition of the series in welcoming submissions on any aspect of phonetics and phonology especially from an interdisciplinary perspective. This year we particularly encourage papers dealing with all dimensions of language variation. Contributions are therefore welcome on language variation in all possible domains, such as, for example, sociophonetics, language learning and development, speech pathology, speech accommodation and multimodal communication.

Confirmed keynote speakers

  • Janet Pierrehumbert - University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
  • Wolfram Ziegler - Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (Germany)
  • Sara Bögels - Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (The Netherlands)

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: 12 November 2018, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59
  • Notification of acceptance: 20 February 2019 Submission of revised abstracts: 9 March 2019, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59
  • PaPE 2019 Conference: 17-19 June 2019 (Lecce)
  • Satellite Workshops/Tutorials: 20 June 2019 (Bari)

Please note that depending on the number of proposals, Wed 19 June in Lecce could be half a day conference and half a day workshop.

Submission Information

Abstracts can be submitted from October the 5th until the final deadline of November the 12th, 2018, using the following EasyChair link. Abstracts may be submitted either for a ‘talk/poster’, or as a ‘poster only’. Authors may submit one abstract as first author and up to three abstracts as a co-author. Please indicate upon submission if the first author has student status.


Call for Satellite Workshop proposals

University of Bari: 20 June 2019 (Please note that depending on the number of proposals, Wed 19 June in Lecce could be half a day conference and half a day workshop).
The PaPE 2019 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. Workshops may be proposed on any topic related to phonetics and phonology.
The workshop proposal should be sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by October 8 and should not exceed two A4 pages. They must include information on the topic, the organizers (including affiliation and e-mail address) and the paper selection process.

PaPE Organization

  • Barbara Gili Fivela (Università del Salento & CRIL, Lecce)
  • Cinzia Avesani (ISTC, Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche, Padova)
  • Michelina Savino (Università di Bari, Dpt. Sc. della Formazione,Bari)


For enquiries please contact us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Abstract submission deadline: 12 November 2018, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59
Notification of acceptance: 20 February 2019
Submission of revised abstracts: 9 March 2019, HST (=UTC-10) 23:59

Il XXI Congresso Internazionale dei Linguisti (ICL) si svolgerà dall'8 al 14 settembre 2024 a Poznan. Gli interessati possono inviare proposte di abstract o di workshop secondo le istruzioni che trovate nel pdf allegato.


Call for Papers





The 12th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB12) will take place at the University of Alberta, Canada, 23-28 June, 2019.

The conference theme is “Bilingualism and The Next Generation,” which highlights the importance of the next generation in language maintenance and survival on the one hand, and the importance of the next generation of scholars in moving the field forward on the other. Papers that fit within that theme in some way are particularly eagerly solicited. However, ISB12 invites papers in all areas of research in bilingualism and multilingualism (whether linked to the conference theme or not), including but not limited to: linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, applied linguistics, neuropsychology, first and second and third language acquisition, clinical linguistics, language and education, and multilingual societies.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Richard Clément
  • Erika Hoff
  • Marco Jacquemet
  • Enric Llurda
  • Roy Lyster
  • Virginia Yip
  • Virginia Zavala

Invited theme sessions include:

  • Bilingualism in the context of World Englishes (organizer: Suzanne Hilgendorf)
  • First language learning and the brain (organizer: Thierry Nazzi)
  • Heritage language learning in children (organizer: Silvina Montrul)
  • Advances in Immersion Teacher Education Research (organizer: Diane J. Tedick)
  • Indigenous language revitalization (organizer: Jorge Lemus)
  • Language and thought (organizer: Bene Benedetti)
  • Language disorders in bilingual children (organizer: Sharon Armon-Lotem)

There will also be a Journée CSJ at the Campus Saint-Jean, the French-language campus of the University of Alberta, featuring an invited theme sessions on French immersion (organizer: Laurent Cammarata).



Abstracts are solicited for three categories of proposals: individual papers, posters, and theme sessions.

Individual papers: Papers are formal presentations on original research or original pedagogy-focused topics by one or more authors, lasting a total of eighteen minutes with five additional minutes for discussion. Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words in length.

Posters: Poster sessions are for displaying original research or pedagogy that offers the opportunity for individualized, informal discussion with others in the field. Posters are especially effective for presenting work-in-progress, fieldwork, and results of empirical research for which data can be presented visually. Posters will be available throughout an entire day of the conference with presenters in attendance for a 90-minute poster session. Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words in length.

Theme sessions: Theme sessions allow for extended, interactive discussion on a specific topic, focusing on a cluster of independent papers. Each submission should include either three presentations and a discussant or four presentations, for a total of four “slots”. Submissions must include an abstract for the panel (of a maximum of 500 words in length), as well as for each of the constituent papers (of a maximum of 300 words in length).

Abstracts may be submitted in either English or French, and presentations may also be given in either language. Apart from this, the main working language of ISB12 will be English (we plan to offer interpretation to and from American Sign Language, if requested).

The deadline for the submission of abstracts will be 15 October, 2018 at 23:59 North American Mountain time. Notification of acceptance can be expected by 15 January, 2019.


For further information: