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Call for Papers Submission deadline: 15/7/2015 The second edition of the Italian Computational Linguistics Conference is located in Trento on December 3-4 2015 and follows the first successful edition, held in Pisa in December 2014. The conference will also be the first meeting of the newly established Association for Italian Computational Linguistics. CLiC-it aims at becoming a reference forum for discussion about Computational Linguistics research in the Italian community. Therefore CLiC-it covers all aspects of automatic language understanding, both written and spoken, and targets state-of-art theoretical results, experimental methodologies, technologies, as well as application perspectives, which may contribute to the advancement of the field. CLiC-it is an inclusive conference as the complexity of language phenomena needs cross-disciplinary competences. Thus, CLiC-it intends to bring together researchers of related disciplines such as Computational Linguistics, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Knowledge Representation, Information Retrieval and Digital Humanities. CLiC-it is open to contributions on all languages, with a particular emphasis on Italian. INVITED SPEAKERS TDB CLiC-it 2015 Co-Chairs Cristina Bosco (Università di Torino) Sara Tonelli (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento) Fabio Massimo Zanzotto (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) CALL FOR PAPERS CLIC-It invites submissions of papers on research in all aspects of automated Natural Language Processing. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas: Information Extraction and Information Retrieval Area chairs: Roberto Basili (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Giovanni Semeraro (Università di Bari). Topics: information extraction; relation extraction; natural language interfaces; question answering and interactive IR; information retrieval and seeking; document representation; indexing and content analysis; text and document classification; document summarization; queries and query analysis; query completion; IR architectures; retrieval models and ranking; distributional semantics and semantic similarity for IE &IR; entity search; semantic search; aspect-based Information retrieval; opinion mining and sentiment analysis; textual entailment for IE &IR; evaluation of IE & IR systems; semantic web applications; machine learning for IE&IR; statistical methods & deep learning. Linguistic Resources  Area chairs: Maria Simi (Università di Pisa), Tommaso Caselli (Vrije Univeristeteit Amsterdam), Claudia Soria (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale - CNR, Pisa). Topics: corpora (written, spoken, mixed, domain specific, mutilingual); computational lexica (methods, domain specific adaptation, coverage, typology, multilingual, wordnets); annotation schemes (creation, adaptation, annotation specifications); standard for language resources (best practices, standardization initiatives, annotation guidelines , metadata); innovative methods for the acquisition, creation and annotation of language resources (crowdsourcing, gamification, collaborative approaches); evaluation and validation methods; interoperability and re-usability (merging, derivation/construction of language resources, including multingual approaches). Machine Translation  Area chairs: Marco Turchi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento), Johanna Monti (Università di Sassari). Topics: empirical studies on translation data; advances in various machine translation (MT) paradigms: data-driven, rule-based, and hybrids; approaches to MT and computer assisted translation (CAT) tools (integration, interactive and adaptive MT, MT quality estimation, automatic post-editing, etc.); language resources for MT and CAT tools (parallel and comparable corpora, dictionaries, grammars, translation memories, terminological databases, etc.); machine learning for MT (online learning, Deep Learning, etc.); crowd-sourcing methods for MT; MT evaluation techniques and evaluation results; text and speech translation; use of NLP technologies in MT (paraphrasing, cross-language information retrieval, information extraction, etc.) Morphology, Syntax and Parsing Area chairs: Felice Dell’Orletta (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale - CNR, Pisa), Fabio Tamburini (Università di Bologna), Cristiano Chesi (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia). Topics: morphological analysis; part-of-speech tagging; syntactic analysis and parsing; dependency-based syntactic analysis versus constituency-based syntactic analysis; linguistic ambiguity and syntactic complexity; systems for the analysis of Italian; methodologies for evaluation of parsing systems; partial/shallow/skeleton parsing, chunking; syntactic analysis of domain languages (biomedicine texts, law texts, technical documentation, etc) and non canonical varieties of the language (blogs, microblogs, bad format text etc.). NLP for Digital Humanities  Area chairs: Alessandro Lenci (Università di Pisa), Fabio Ciotti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata). Topics: text readability; language complexity; annotation and NLP for historical and literary texts; NLP and digital libraries; attribution studies; topic modelling; sentiment analysis and text mining in humanities; named entity recognition for historical and literary texts; OCR in ancient texts. NLP for Web and Social Media Area chair: Francesca Chiusaroli (Università di Macerata), Daniele Pighin (Google Inc.). Topics: world modeling and language understanding; content filtering and relevance, identity and reputation; social network analysis, sentiment and opinion; linguistic analysis of noisy web data; construction and analysis of web corpora; word selection for ranking in web search; linguistic peculiarities of social network language: syntax, morphology, vocabulary and semantics, symbols and punctuation; reading levels and readability; language detection, multilingualism and automatic translation; accessibility and cross-mediality. Pragmatics and Creativity  Area chairs: Carlo Strapparava (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento), Rossana Damiano (Università di Torino). Topics: anaphora; metaphor; discourse; emotions; linguistic creativity; figurative language. Semantics and Knowledge Acquisition  Area chair: Elena Cabrio (INRIA), Armando Stellato (Università di Roma Tor Vergata). Topics: word sense disambiguation; semantic role labeling; entity recognition; ontology alignment & entity linking; textual entailment; ontology learning & population; distributional semantics; lexical linked data; lexical ontologies; ontology - lexicon interfaces; semantic annotation. Spoken language processing  Area chairs: Giuseppe Riccardi (Università di Trento), Piero Cosi (Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - CNR, Padova). Topics: automatic translation of spoken language (automatic translation, cross-linguistic applications); spoken language processing (detection and synthesis of spoken language, spoken language understanding, dialogue systems, technologies and systems for new ASR and TTS applications). CALL FOR PAPER TRACK: Towards EVALITA 2016: challenges, methodologies and tasks Although the EVALITA workshop will not take place in 2015 (next edition will be after CliC-it 2016,, the conference aims also at keeping alive the discussion about the evaluation of tools for Italian NLP and speech technologies. Therefore, together with the call for papers, we present a call for the Track “Towards EVALITA 2016: challenges, methodologies and tasks” mainly devoted to creating a forum for discussion on existing and new evaluation methodologies. The track will include also, but will not be limited to, the proposal of possible tasks and the description of experiences in industrial contexts. This new track can be therefore seen as a bridge between EVALITA 2014 and EVALITA 2016. This will prepare the ground for the new edition of the campaign, taking into account the hints from the previous edition and widening the involvement of the community by fostering the cooperation among researchers interested in the organization and participation to the EVALITA- Towards EVALITA 2016: challenges, methodologies and tasks Area chairs: Franco Cutugno (Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Viviana Patti (Università di Torino), Rachele Sprugnoli (FBK - Università di Trento) Topics: development, extension and discussion of evaluation methodologies and metrics; classical NLP tasks (e.g. parsing, Named Entity Recognition, temporal information processing) and speech technology tasks (e.g. speaker identity recognition, speech forced alignment) also inspired by previous Evalita editions and other international evaluation campaigns; tasks combining NLP and speech technologies (e.g. Named Entity Recognition or Sentiment Analysis on speech transcriptions); tasks based on non-computational evaluation methods (e.g. prosodic evaluation and comparison, qualitative evaluation of automatic summarization systems). CONFERENCE VENUE Povo (Trento): FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Via Sommarive 18, 38123). IMPORTANT DATES 15/7/2015: Deadline for paper submission 15/9/2015: Notification to authors and proponents 15/10/2015: Camera ready version of the accepted papers and proposals 3-4/12/2015: CLiC-it Conference