AFinLA Autumn Symposium 2015
Second Circular and Call for Papers
The annual Autumn Symposium of the Finnish Association of Applied
Linguistics (AFinLA) will be held 13-14 November 2015 at the
University of Helsinki.
The theme of the symposium is “The language user in changing
institutions”. The theme encourages us to explore the dynamic between
affordance and constraint: what kinds of norms and language ideologies
affect the individual’s language use in different settings and how
limiting are they? What does language regulation look like from the
perspective of institutions such as the school, business organisations
or social media? What kinds of shifts can be observed in forms of
As in previous years, we welcome papers on all topics within applied
The working methods of the symposium include individual presentations,
poster presentations, colloquia and workshops. Our invited speakers are
Theresa Lillis, Open University, UK: “The textual worlds of
institutions: exploring the prescribed, imagined and real trajectories
of written texts”
Alexandre Duchêne, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland: “Wordforce -
the exploitation of linguistic resources in a competitive labor market”
Liisa Tainio, Helsingin yliopisto: “Kiusoittelun kielioppi: nuorten
elämää luokkahuoneissa” (“The grammar of teasing: exploring the
everyday life of young people at school”)
Individual presentations and posters
The abstracts for both individual presentations and posters are
limited to 300 words, including references. The time allotted to
section papers will be 20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion. The
maximum poster size is A0.
A colloquium is a session including several thematically connected
presentations. The duration of a colloquium is either 90 or 180
minutes. The convenors of a colloquium are asked to submit a
description of the theme of the colloquium (max. 500 words). The
description should include a list of the contributors and their titles
in the order in which the presentations will be given. In addition,
all colloquium contributors are required to submit individual
abstracts (max. 300 words) in which they indicate the name of the
colloquium in which they are going to present.
Colloquia can also take the form of a panel, in which case the
duration is 90 minutes. Panel contributors do not need to submit a
separate abstract, but panel convenors should submit a 500-word
description of the proposed panel and list the names of panel
Workshops are sessions in which the participants work with data or
around a shared topic. The duration of a workshop is either 90 or 180
minutes. Unlike colloquia, workshops do not include formal
presentations. The organisers of workshops are asked to submit a
description of the workshop (max. 500 words). The organisers are
responsible for the work methods used in the workshop.
Proposals for individual papers, posters, colloquia and workshops
should be sent as an email attachment to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
(accepted formats: rtf, doc, docx) by 4 September 2015. In addition to
the abstract, please include the title of the presentation as well as
the names and email addresses of all presenters / convenors. Indicate
clearly whether you are proposing an individual presentation, poster
or contribution to a colloquium.
The main languages of the AFinLA symposium are Finnish and English,
but presentations in other languages are also welcome.
Important dates
The deadline for the submission of abstracts and colloquium/workshop
proposals is 4 September 2015.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 21 September 2015.
The deadline for registration and payment is 12 October 2015.
Please note that if you wish to present a paper at the AFinLA
symposium, you need to be a member of AFinLA or an AILA affiliate
organization. More information on how to become a member of AFinLA can
be found online at:
If your proposal is related to one of the AFinLA Special Interest
Groups (SIG), please indicate this in your abstract. The information
is used when planning the conference programme and does not influence
the review of submitted proposals. For information (in Finnish) on the
AFinLA Special Interest Groups, see
Welcome to Helsinki!
Local organising committee: Anna Solin (chair), Niina Hynninen, Maria
Kela, Simo Määttä, Taru Nordlund, Ulla Tiililä, Johanna Vaattovaara
and Hanna-Mari Pienimäki (conference secretary)
More information on the symposium is available on the symposium
website at
You can e-mail the organisers at afinla-2015@helsinki.